Why Choose Eco-Friendly Orange Oil?
The secret lies in our specialized formula, featuring 95% pure d-limonene derived from orange rinds.
Our XT-2000 Orange Oil has proven successful in eliminating termite colonies, thanks to the potent natural properties of this terpene. Continue reading
Eco-Friendly XT-2000 Orange Oil Termite Control
Unipest Pest and Termite Control in Santa Clarita provides a superior and eco-friendly solution for termite elimination using XT-2000 Orange Oil.
Orange Oil, The Most Natural Way To Get Rid Of Termites
As a pest control company here in Santa Clarita, one of the best parts of our job is the satisfaction that comes from having a job where we get to help people.
People call us because they are distressed that they have bed bugs, or they found termites, or they have ants and spiders and we get to see them go from distressed to seeing them very happy and relieved. Continue reading
UNIPEST, The Only Certified XT-2000 Orange Oil Company In The Santa Clarita Valley
Everybody has heard the radio commercials for orange oil and wants to know “does it work?!” The short answer is “yes” and the long answer is “yes…and it is awesome!.”
Unipest Pest and Termite Control is the ONLY factory certified XT-2000 Orange Oil company in the Santa Clarita valley. In a nutshell, XT-2000 Orange oil is 95% pure d-limonene, the oil from the rind of oranges!
Have you ever peeled and orange and accidentally squirted some of it in your eye? Yeah… well that’s what we are doing to the termites… times 100!
XT-2000 orange oil is administered to termite colonies in a similar fashion to the traditional local foam treatments, the only difference is that, unlike traditional foam treatments, if you miss part of the colony, the orange oil will still soak through the entire piece of wood and kill all the termites inside.
Then, being 95% pure, it will slowly evaporate from the wood within the next 4 to 5 hours, leaving you with a completely exterminated and pleasantly smelling piece of termite free wood. We are so confident in our XT-2000 Orange Oil termite skills that we offer the same guarantee and pricing for our orange oil projects as we do our fumigation.