Unipest Takes Care Of Pest Elimination Needs For Residents Of Santa Clarita
Santa Clarita residents can find themselves surrounded by a number of pests within their dwellings.
Luckily, Santa Clarita residents can call Unipest anytime they have unwanted insect guests. No eviction court order required. Not only does Unipest get rid of pests, they are also environmentally conscious.
They use eco- friendly and organic methods for getting rid of pests. When it comes to termites, bed bugs and cockroaches they utilize heat technology to eliminate the issue. Additionally Unipest can also build Bird Barriers.
Crane Fly
Crane Flies are a common insect most people are familiar with. They can be a source of unnecessary panic. Unipest owner Cardon Ellis dropped by the KHTS station and described the appearance of Crane Flies in Santa Clarita: “They look like a giant oversized Mosquito with long dangly legs and people call them Mosquito eaters, Mosquito Hawks but they don’t eat Mosquitos,” Cardon said.
Crane flies can grow to be big and often enjoy congregating around porch lights similar to moths. While they can be annoying in large numbers and obstruct the path of Santa Clarita homeowners when doing outdoor tasks, Crane flies are actually quite harmless: “ They actually feed off of pollen and things like that. No they are just a super benign insect. They are actually sorta peaceful” Cardon Ellis said before adding that the way Unipest gets rid of Crane Flies is different from how they eliminate mosquitos.
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Tarantula Hawks
While Mosquito Hawks are not harmful and carry a misleading name, Tarantula Hawks are as intense as they sound. These Spider Wasps actually prey on Tarantulas! You can find them locally right here in Santa Clarita at Towsley Canyon.
They also make appearances in other areas within Los Angeles County such as Runyon Canyon Park and Topanga Canyon Park. According to Ellis they have the second most painful sting in the world. Tarantula Hawks sting Tarantulas then drag them. Then they palace their larva on the spider while it’s still alive. When the larva hatch they eat the flesh of the spider alive.
“ So, Mosquito Hawks aren’t real, Tarantula Hawks are but you can call us for either one,” Cardon Ellis said. For any pest control needs Santa Clarita residents can count on Unipest.
Tags: Best Pest Control, Best Pest Control in Santa Clarita, Bug Control, Bug Problem, Exterminator, Exterminator Near Me, Pest control in Santa Clarita, UNIPEST, Unipest Pest Control