When Is Fumigation Necessary?
We at Unipest fumigate many Santa Clarita Valley homes. People often ask us when fumigation is necessary, how the process works and question it’s safety.
Fumigation is an extremely effective way of eliminating both drywood termites and bed bugs, but can also be used to eliminate a myriad of pests.
Because we specialize in organic and eco-friendly products for pest control, we generally opt for orange oil, an all natural termite killer. If the structural integrity of the home is at risk or if there are just too many termites in the house, that’s when we will tent. The primary advantage of fumigation is that it has a 99.3% success rate. Continue reading
Orange Oil, The Most Natural Way To Get Rid Of Termites
As a pest control company here in Santa Clarita, one of the best parts of our job is the satisfaction that comes from having a job where we get to help people.
People call us because they are distressed that they have bed bugs, or they found termites, or they have ants and spiders and we get to see them go from distressed to seeing them very happy and relieved. Continue reading